Saturday, November 27, 2010

"There She Goes"

I finally published the prologue and first chapter of a new story (There She Goes) on Ficwad.

A few years ago, when I first started writing, I wasn't very self-conscious about what I published- I pretty much just posted everything I wrote, even if I only had a chapter or two. I also didn't tend to think ahead much.

Now I write a little differently. I've already written over 6000 words of There She Goes- a few chapters worth, at least. Before I posted, I wanted to have an idea of where the story was going and how it was going to end. I didn't originally post it when I first started writing because I wanted to know exactly how the story was going to end, and what was going to happen and when.

But I realized that in the past, the only stories I've ever finished have been ones that I've published online. Posting chapters as I go only forces me to write now and edit later. I can always post a rewrite if I so choose. But by putting up what I have on Ficwad, it makes me just write and not think too much. The story has only gotten a few reads so far, but I'm hopeful that by posting it on some other sites (considering Ficwad is kind of dying and stories that aren't fanfics don't get much traffic) I'll get more reads and reviews.

I think I've found a happy medium now. By having a little bit of the story written out, I have an idea of where it's going, even if I don't know how it's going to get there or where it will end; but I'm still able to plan and change things as I please while I'm writing, and posting gives me incentive to write.

(Click to read There She Goes...)

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