Sunday, January 02, 2011

Your life will never be the same...

...after you listen to Brokencyde.

No, really. Your life will be changed FOREVER when you listen to Brokencyde. You will never look at music the same way again.

("Freaxxx" by Brokencyde)
I stumbled upon Brokencyde a few weeks ago (I'd heard of them before but had never taken the time to listen to one of their songs... and now that I have, my life will never be the same again...) on Your Scene Sucks (look at "crunkcore poser") and decided to take a listen.

Brokencyde is described as "crunkcore", but really that's just code for shitty dance-pop music about going to clubs and getting drunk and "sexy"... with screamo vocals. Yes, really. It's like someone took the world's most awful electronica/club song and basically added some screaming. The best way I can describe it is if you had some screamo band covering Ke$ha. It's actually pretty entertaining, if nothing else for the fact that I never thought music could get this, well... weird (I was going to say "bad", but I hate dismissing entire genres on principle).

 Apparently the name "Brokencyde" comes from the fact that they are (get this) "broken inside"... or their music is about being "broken inside" or something (don't you just love how wikipedia has information on everything?). They're from Albuquerque, and the band consists of Se7en, a.k.a. David Gallegos, on unclean/rap vocals; Mikl, a.k.a. Michael Shea, on clean vocals; Phat J, a.k.a. Julian McClellan, on keyboards, synthesizers, guitars, bass guitar, programing (which I didn't realize counted as an instrument?), and death-growls (which are apparently distinct from unclean vocals); and Antz, a.k.a. Anthony Trujillo, on programming, beats, backing vocals, and fog machine and lights in performances (which I also didn't realize counted as an instrument).

I am not really sure what the purpose of the nicknames ("Se7en"? really?)  is. I'm also not really sure what the purpose of having a band member designated as the one to do lights and fog. I have no clue at all what the point of screaming to obscene club/party/dance/pop songs it, but maybe the point of Brokencyde is that you're not supposed to get it, because it doesn't make sense.

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